Saturday, July 26, 2014

Musings from the newbie

I'm not  blogger...well, at least not yet.  I have no idea who can and can't see this.  I do know I need to write.  There's more going on in my  life than I can shake a  virtual estick at, and I need to get it out.  I'm not the type to whine or complain or vent...or even force my opinions or express controversial points of others (okay, my BFFs may disagree).  Or maybe I am that type and I just don't know it.  So if you don't want to read it,  now is your chance to escape.  If you do, well...thanks for listening.

So about the title:  I always wanted to publish a collection of my short stories and poems...or even be a "real" writer.    As my BFF Lori and I came back from lunch one day, I was dreaming out loud to her about publishing such a book.  At that time, Lori drove a little faded blue Mazda 626 that was probably too many years old and not quite up on safety standards enough to be hauling an infant seat in the back...then again, she's acing motherhood, so maybe I should've driven one too...or listened more closely to friends' advice (and with that statement, right now my other BFF is smiling that little shit-eating grin I love so much...thanks, Sandy).  Anyway, she looked at the cracked, sun-bleached dashboard, puzzled, and said "how is it possible to collect so many bugs right there?", waving a hand at the expanse of the whole surface.  As we walked back in the building to work, still discussing my desire to write a book, we somehow pieced together that I should call it "Dead Bugs on the Dashboard."  If and when it ever happened. Life seems to have happened instead, so welcome to the book that was never written.  But maybe you'll see some of that poetry and those stories sometime.

Since I'm a blogging virgin, I think I'll stop here for now and see who does and doesn't read this (and figure out who can and can't) before I really get started.  I'll be back, regardless.  I just might have to figure out how to adjust permission settings first.  :)

Happy Saturday, blogging world.

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